Great competitive fun for all attending. Winning pairs were Hilary Miller and Dieter Franke. second was Barbara Gard and Norma Draper,  Thanks to Don Plummer for organizing this event.

Club pairs

Club Pairs tournament is next on Sat June 28

Wilmott Creek

June 25/14
Our annual club exchange was held today and was as usual a great success . Great friendships and fun for all and the weather held out for us . Always a good day when friends come to call.
Wilmott Creek was presented with gifts and helped to soften the fact that Port Hope Lawn Bowling beat them in total points. Way to go team!!!. Can't wait till next year at Wilmott Creek's club.
A very successful Brainstorming meeting was held at the clubhouse Monday June 2 with many members in attendance. Many ideas and suggestions were presented and a committee of 4 members were appointed to assess and investigate these suggestions and report back to the membership. Our future is at stake and we look forward to a good solution