Presidents Welcome address Nov 2014

Presidents Welcome Address:  Nov 8th 2014.

Good Morning Everyone.  Welcome to the fall AGM for the PHLBC.  

It’s hard to believe that yet another year is ended.   I feel that, in general, we had a successful year.  The open tournaments were well attended thanks as always to Ned.  It was however a bid disheartening to see the lack of interest in the in club tournaments.  We should all make a conscious effort to attend these events.  A lot of work goes into organizing and running these tournaments and they form an important element in the function of the club.  What a great opportunity for brand new members to enter into a more competitive form of lawn bowling.  In addition one of the important factors of being a member of a club is interact with all members, what better way than to have a day of enjoyable competition.  Perhaps we should all take some time over the winter to come up with some innovative ways to promote better attendance.

We had a good year for the greens.  The rolling and maintenance regimen had a positive effect on the grass and it was a treat not to have to contend with the worms.  Thank you to John and all of the people that helped in the rolling, grass removal and Verdi-cutting.  I think we all are aware that without decent greens we just cannot operate, so this is such an important factor in our club success.

I don’t know how many of you have been down to the club of late, but the improvements are coming along great. In addition I understand that the raccoon proofing has been completed which will give us some piece of mind over the winter.  A little later in the meeting I will ask Glenn Gard to give us a bit of an update.  I think you will all be very surprised and pleased when you see the outcome.

We have been pressing the town this year for an alternative location.  One in which we do not have the steep stairs, the wet greens or the lack of parking.  During the meeting I will fill you in a bit more on that situation but be assured that we will continue to approach the town on the matter.  In addition  Stan,  whom I heard from only a couple from only a couple of days ago,  is continuing to work on any grants we may be eligible for as well as looking for any other funding that might not be so obvious. 

In closing, I would like to thank all of the members that exhibited that little bit of extra effort to help the functioning of the club.   I could be baking for the kitchen, helping with the greens, setting up for tournaments,  tending to the gardens, and the list goes on, but all of those small things add up to a successful club. So I say again Thank You.  


The Annual General Meeting was held Sat Nov 8 at the Ruth Clarke Centre. Although it was poorly attended there was lots to discuss and great ideas were offered. Next year is the 115 anniversary of the club and it is one of the oldest lawn bowling clubs in Canada.  We are looking for great ways to celebrate this event. Hopefully those who missed the meeting will attend the Spring Meeting with suggestions for this. Our clubhouse kitchen is being repaired and is looking great- almost done!! Thanks Mike!!. Have a good winter all and see you  in May 2015

Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Sat. Nov 8 at 10 am at the Ruth Clarke Centre.  Please try to attend. See you there

Canadian Legion Br 30 - Mens Pairs tournament

 The Mens pairs tournament was held today Sept 3/14.  This tournament has been sponsored by the Canadian Legion branch 30 for the past 22 years. 32 Participants competed for the trophy. The winners were Ross Wood and Graham Cantwell. Congratulations to them and many many thanks to the Canadian Legion -branch 30 . Representing the Legion was Al Wilson who presented the trophy.

Fish and Chip Day

Great Fun Day - Fish and Chip day was held on Sat Aug 23/14. 14 people bowled and 21 people had a wonderful plate of fish and chips from Captain George's!  It was sponsored by Don Plummer . Thanks so much Don!!. Don announced that he is bowing out of running tournaments next year.. we will miss you Don very much and hope you drop by often!

Wyatt Waddell

Wyatt Waddell tournament was held Aug 16/14.  Winners were Diane and John Hawryszko

Ganaraska Financial

Ganaraska Financial Tournament was held Wed July 30/14. Skies gave us a nice 30 min shower in the afternnon.. but we brave bowlers kept on keeping on  bowling.  Winners of the trophy Shiela and Russell Morrison from Wilmot Creek. 2nd runners kup were Dieter and Margot Franke.

Corn on the Cob BQ

We are thinking of having a corn on cob BQ again this year.. on Sunday Aug 10.  If you would like to attend please sign up at the club.. Good food with good friends.


Great fun today!! Thanks to Don Plummer for organizing such a funday again this year.  Weather threatened rain yesterday but skies cleared for a beautiful sunny day with a nice breeze. Winners for 21014 were
John Hawryszko, Dieter Franke and  1st year bowler Deb Gourd, Congradulations. 2nd runners up were Dianne Hawyrszko, Margot Franke and Glyn Marr.

Crazy Bowling

Sat July 26 @ 10:30.. Crazy Bowling.  Fun at it's best,. Sign up today!!

Plummer Trophy

The Plummer Trophy was held Tues July 15/14 at Port Hope.  42 participants bowled for the trophy. the weather held out for us.. just a few lighter showers and then clearer skies appeared.  The first place winning team from Port Hope was Janis Dilworth, Marva Goddard and Roy Thornycroft.
A great time was had by all, Thanks to Helen and Helpers for great munchies.

Mary Cappler Tournament

July 12/14 The Mary Cappler Tournament was held. We had great weather, great food and great participants. 28 people bowled today.  The Winners again this year were Ted and Sharron Morrison from Oshawa. Mary herself  at 94 yrs of age was on hand to hand out the trophy and prizes, and Ned Town was the organizer. Thanks to both and Helen, Hilary and Helen in the kitchen for the great food


The Singles Championship was held Sat July 5.14. Weather was great and everyone had a good time
Winners for 2014 :              Ladies champion - Heather Buckle

                                         Men's champion - Glenn Gard


Great competitive fun for all attending. Winning pairs were Hilary Miller and Dieter Franke. second was Barbara Gard and Norma Draper,  Thanks to Don Plummer for organizing this event.

Club pairs

Club Pairs tournament is next on Sat June 28

Wilmott Creek

June 25/14
Our annual club exchange was held today and was as usual a great success . Great friendships and fun for all and the weather held out for us . Always a good day when friends come to call.
Wilmott Creek was presented with gifts and helped to soften the fact that Port Hope Lawn Bowling beat them in total points. Way to go team!!!. Can't wait till next year at Wilmott Creek's club.
A very successful Brainstorming meeting was held at the clubhouse Monday June 2 with many members in attendance. Many ideas and suggestions were presented and a committee of 4 members were appointed to assess and investigate these suggestions and report back to the membership. Our future is at stake and we look forward to a good solution


Just to remind everyone: Jitney times are  Sunday and Wed  at 1:30 and Thurs at 6:30
 League plays Mon 6:30


May 31/14. Opening day .   Wonderful day was had by all. Weather was perfect, food was good ( Thank you Helen)  We had 7 new bowlers interested trying the game!!  They had some instructions , then after a snack break they joined regular bowlers in a jitney.    Regular jitneys start as of Jun 1 with the exception of a special meeting re club house  scheduled for Monday June 2 - all members invited to this meeting.  The League bowling starts on Monday June 9.  Away we go!!!

Opening Day

Opening Day

Hi everyone: ready to lawnbowl??? 
Opening Day is Sat May 31st 2014 @ 1pm

Everyone welcome.  Interested new bowlers will be fitted with bowls and given instruction from 1:30 - 2:30. Then they will play a jitney with the club.
Returning members will play 2 8 end jitneys.. See you soon!!