Our Annual General Meeting was held Oct 26/13 where we announced our new President - Diane Harwryzko. Season is now close and will open May 2014


We played a short season of league this year but still got in 9 weeks of play.  We had two, six person teams, the Eagles and the Ravens.  Each night was a different format with all members have the opportunity to play all positions.  In additions we would like to thank all of the members who signed up for spares and when called upon showed up to keep our numbers even.  On the last day of play in Sept we enjoyed a dinner together at the club and after one game of play presented the new trophy , which was made and donated by Roy Thorneycroft, to the Eagles.  We all had a great time and plan for a league in 2014.  Hope more of the members will sign up and enjoy Tues. night at the club.  If anyone has any questions about the league you can contact  Dianne Hawryszko 289-800-8949

Port Hope Lawn Bowling League

Our new league had a very successful first year, bowling on Tues nights. The year ended with a great lasagna  supper. The Eagles team won the trophy this year. Many thanks to Roy Thornycroft for creating our trophy